It Blinds, and Lights.

     Solar cell is gaining a growing popularity as power generator. Since it collect and generate power from the sun, solar cells could be applicable in almost around the globe. The source of this energy will never be detached. It is freely available along the year. Solar cell application is widely used in the present day. One of the most favorite applications is home solar power generator.

     One brilliant gadget comes out from Green Gadget Design competition. It is a multifunctional solar generator named as Blight. A Belgium Vincent Gerkens is the designer of the blight. The concept of this gadget is to replace indoor lighting with an independently powered light. More interesting, Gerkens brilliantly design Blight in the shape of an everlasting Venetian blind.

     Blight has solar cells in it blades. During the daylight, the blades collect the sun energy while they block the sun from entering the house. Solar energy will be stored in the battery inside the housing. During the night, it could be used to power electroluminescent neon foils which also placed in the blades. That blade has flexible revolving systems that catches maximum energy and give maximum lighting. Blight is a brilliant solution for green power consumption and since it has a beautiful design; it will be widely applicable in every house.  

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